• +974 44606011
  • info@accuraclabs.com
  • Approved By:
  • Qatar Standardization and MOPH

Accurac Certification

At Accurac, we follow each and every steps in accordance with applicable national and international standards. We have implemented ISO 9001 Quality Management System for all areas of our business, including Facilities, manpower, training and other services.

Our laboratories is certified with ISO/IEC 17025, the international standard against which the competence of testing and calibration laboratories is assessed. We ensure international acceptance of the results generated by our laboratories which is important in today's global marketplace.

Our scopes of accreditation are available on the relevant Accreditation Body website or upon requests.

MOPH Approval Letter

MOPH Qatar LAB Approval Letter - Accurac Laboratory

ASHGHAL Approval Letter

ASHGHAL Qatar LAB Approval Letter - Accurac Laboratory

QGOS Qatar Standardisation Certificate

Qatar Standardisation Certificate - Accurac Laboratory

ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015 Accreditation - Accurac Laboratory

ISO 14001:2015

ISO 14001:2015 Accreditation 2021 to 2024- Accurac Laboratory

ISO 17025:2017 IAS

ISO 17025:2017 IAS International Accreditation Service - Accurac Laboratory

ISO 17025:2017 ANAB

ISO 17025:2017 ANAB ANSI NAtional Accreditation Board - Accurac Laboratory

ISO 45001:2018

ISO 45001:2018 Accreditation 2021 to 2024- Accurac Laboratory